Warren Accuses Congress of Complicity in Trump’s Continued Abuses
“Do your constitutional duty and impeach the president,” she said.
Desecrated Cemeteries: Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Trump’s America
Trump's pro-Israel politics will not protect American Jews from the rising tide of anti-Semitism.
US vs. Russia in Syria: A Battle to Control the Truth
Russian media are serving up Putin's distorted version of the truth. But are US media doing any better with Obama?
Trump Is Wrong on NATO, but There’s Plenty Wrong With NATO Too
Trump's approach to NATO is repugnant, but that doesn't mean the alliance is without problems.
William Rivers Pitt | Folded, Spindled, Mutilated: The Unspooling of Donald Trump
You're supposed to kiss the babies, not have them removed. You're also not supposed to refuse to endorse your own party's leaders.
Political Prisoners in Ukraine: A Crisis Ignored by Western Media
The new regime in Kyiv has come down hard on those who disagree with it.
“Donbass Seasons”
“Donbass-Seasons” is a documentary that traces the history of the war in Donbass, from the coup in Kiev to the Odessa massacre through to the start of the conflict.
How Ukraine’s Finance Chief Got Rich
If Western “values” include putting citizens' interests before self-interest Jaresko may need some remedial training.
US Tax Dollar Expenditures Missing From Ukraine Finance Minister’s Records
Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko oversees billions of dollars in Western financial aid.
The Ukraine Mess That Nuland Made
Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland engineered Ukraine's regime change without weighing the likely consequences.