Trump Administration
Yellowstone Grizzly Bears Spared From Hunters as Court Decides Their Fate
The Trump administration is rolling back federal wildlife protections and expanding hunting on public lands.
Scott Pruitt’s Personal Security Cost Taxpayers Over $3.5 million: EPA Audit
Over just 11 months in 2017, Pruitt racked up more than double the spent by previous spent by previous administrators.
In Chicago Shelters, Immigrant Children Contemplate Escape, Even Suicide
Internal documents reveal despair and tedium in one of the nation’s largest shelter networks for unaccompanied minors.
No, You Are Not Part of the Resistance: A Response to Anonymous Op-Ed
Vince Warren, executive director of the Center for Constitutional Rights, discusses The New York Times piece.
Freezing Bank Accounts and Stripping Citizenship Are Latest Immigration Attacks
This is perhaps the most aggressive attack of Trump's yet.
Chuck Schumer Cuts Deal With Mitch McConnell to Fast-Track Trump Judges
Progressive commentators have concluded that Schumer is not fit to lead the party and has to go.
Trump’s Marijuana Task Force Ordered to Ignore Data That Show Positive Impacts
New documents reveal that the Trump administration plans on waging a fierce war against marijuana.
Funding Conservation by Killing Animals: An Ironic Partnership
As public opinion shifts on wildlife and animal welfare, it is time to adopt a new model of conservation.
The Trump Administration Says Poverty Barely Exists
Establishing a standardized poverty line requires some subjectivity and discretion.
Trump Administration Faces New Revelations About Ties to Far Right
Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, discusses more.