The Debt Ceiling Debate Is a Manufactured Crisis. Tax the Wealthy What They Owe.
The budget-balancing problem in the U.S. stems from military spending and tax cuts for the rich.
Critics Say House GOP’s Debt Ceiling Legislation Would Benefit Rich Tax Dodgers
The Republican bill, which also targets key aid programs and climate investments, faces long odds in Congress.
Lockheed Martin Got $106 From the Average Taxpayer, While Renewables Got Just $6
Tax Day analysis also shows defense contractors received four times as much money as primary and secondary education.
IRS Vows to Renew Pursuit of Wealthy Tax Dodgers
With $80 billion in new funding, the agency aims to ramp up audits of wealthy individuals and large corporations.
Luxury Yachts and Private Planes Are Huge Tax Breaks for the Ultrawealthy
The fact that billionaires’ luxury rides come with millions in tax savings says a lot about how the system really works.
Republicans File to Repeal a Tax That Only Affects the Richest 0.1 Percent
Republicans are seeking to close the loop on tax avoidance for the ultra-wealthy.
Credit Suisse Helped Ultra Rich Americans Hide Over $700 Million From IRS
Sen. Ron Wyden said GOP budget cuts decimated the IRS's ability to “root out this kind of offshore tax evasion scheme.”
Report: Trump, Bush Tax Cuts Have Largely Driven National Debt Issues Since 2001
“The United States does not have a high-spending problem; it has a low-tax problem,” the report concludes.
GOP Is Seeking Rich, Self-Funding Candidates as Party Is Outraised by Democrats
Both major parties have run self-funded candidates in the past, but the GOP is ramping up the practice.
Warren, Sanders Call for End to Rules Letting Billionaire Dynasties Dodge Taxes
The lawmakers are calling for scrutiny of some of the most popular forms of tax evasion by the richest Americans.