A Cautionary Tale on Privatizing Tax Collection
Since the founding of our nation, there's always been strong and clear distinctions between public space and private space, and between things that are done by the government and …
Enormous, Humongous Trade Deficit Grows
The July trade report is out. Exports are rising, but imports are rising even more.
President Offers To Give Republicans The Store, They Demand More
The President offered Republicans a corporate tax reform plan that gives them everything they want.
Detroit Red Wings Get New $400 Million Taxpayer-Financed Stadium While the City Goes Bankrupt
Frank Hammer: Detroit's road to ruin was paved by an ill-conceived economic model.
We’re Taxing the Rich … and So Can You
There is an alternative to austerity; its name is ‘progressive taxes.’
Why GOP Wants to Tax Students and Not Polluters
Robert Reich: Why would government incentivize carbon emissions and discourage higher ed? Ask Republicans.
What We Can Learn From America’s First Tea Party About Countering Corporate Power
Before there was Citizens United, a modern Tea Party movement, or national momentum to ban corporate personhood, Thom Hartmann shows that resistance to corporate power is just as patriotic …
Reclaiming Public Control Over Public Assets and Destructive Outsourcing
Short-term efforts to close budget gaps can have a disastrous long-term impact.
Thirteen Facts About America’s Tax-Dodging Corporations
Richard Eskow: There are many more astonishing facts to be found in the world of corporate taxation.
The IRS Non-Scandal “Scandal“
Even the mainstream media - after much initial sloppy, knee-jerk reporting - finally realized that they and the American public were being played by the Republican Party.