Infrastructure 101: The Evolution of Building Big Things (Part 1)
The US has a long history of big, publicly funded infrastructure projects undermined by inadequate taxation and a lurch to privatization that is disastrous.
Public Sector Unions Win When They Preach “Tax the Rich“
Washington's much-hyped federal budget deal offers little relief for public employees.
For Economic Stability, Follow the French
The truth is that raising income taxes on rich people and hugely profitable companies actually helps economies and causes companies to hire more and more people, thus lowering unemployment.
Americans Are Paying for Health Care With More Than Money
Not only do we pay more, but we pay in far more ways than any other country.
What America Would Look Like if Libertarians Got Their Way
What if you cut all benefits? What if all of public life were a giant competition? What libertarianism would look like in real life.
Private Federal Contractors Cost Taxpayers Twice as Much as Civil Servants
Journalist and author David Cay Johnston says that private federal contractors need better oversight and should be banned from contributing to election campaigns.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Super Rich Have Skipped Out on Paying $100 Billion Dollars in Estate Taxes Since 2000, and More
The super rich have skipped out on paying $100 billion dollars in estate taxes since 2000, and more.
Local Government Is the Secret Weapon in the Fight Against Economic Inequality
With Congress gridlocked, we must look to local governments to pursue more innovative strategies for promoting equal opportunity.
GOP Governors – Give Taxpayers Back Their Money!
It's becoming increasingly clear that Republicans don't actually believe their own talking points.
Tax Fairness Coalition Calls for Closing Tax Loopholes as Part of Budget Deal – A Position Strongly Supported by Voters in Poll
Decries cutting pensions of federal workers by $17 billion while maintaining “carried interest” tax break for hedge fund managers saving same amount