New Survey of Early Childhood Educators Finds a Sector in Crisis
Child care bill languishing in Congress would cost a fraction of the $150 billion a year the US loses from tax dodgers.
IRS Estimates $561B Tax Revenue Rise With Crackdown on Corporations and the Rich
Republicans have waged a multiyear effort to claw back the funding that allows the IRS to increase scrutiny on the rich.
Tlaib: Meta’s Taxes Would Drop From 25 Percent to -2 Percent Under New Tax Bill
Congressional leaders are working on a bipartisan tax bill that would hand tax cuts to corporations and the rich.
Sanders Unveils Bill to Tax Corporations Paying CEOs 50 Times More Than Workers
In 2022, the top 350 U.S. firms had an average CEO to worker pay ratio of 345 to 1.
Bipartisan Tax Bill Offers Generous Corporate Tax Relief, Inadequate Poverty Aid
A proposed bill increases the child tax credit, but fails the poorest families. Yet corporations would see a windfall.
Poll: 74 Percent of Millionaires in G20 Countries Support Higher Taxes on Wealth
Meanwhile, 260 millionaires and billionaires signed a letter imploring leaders to raise taxes on rich people like them.
IRS Funding Targeted by GOP Has Allowed Agency to Recover $500M From the Rich
Democrats said the IRS’s successes have made it clear that the GOP is trying to protect their wealthy benefactors.
In 41 States, Richest 1 Percent Pay Lowest Tax Rate of Any Group
In 34 states, the families with the lowest incomes pay the highest tax rate of any other group.
US’s Wealthiest Collectively Held $8.5 Trillion in Untaxed Assets in 2022
“This is why we need a billionaire income tax,” Americans for Tax Fairness said.
Report: Thomas May Also Be Dodging Tax Bill With Failure to Report Gifts
The likely millions of dollars worth of gifts Thomas has received may count as taxable income, a recent report found.