Nine Reasons to Stop the GOP’s Giant Tax Gift Bucket
Get on the phone with your member of Congress and tell them to vote against this travesty of a tax bill.
Koch Troops Queasy About Killing State and Local Tax Deduction to Fund Tax Breaks for the Rich
The Koch networks hopes to overturn a provision giving taxpayers the ability to deduct state and local taxes.
The Tax Scam We Know and the Tax Scam We Don’t Know
There is another far more pernicious scam currently in process.
Productivity Growth Is Up, Are the Robots Finally Coming?
Productivity grew at a 3.0 percent annual rate in the third quarter of 2017.
Despite Trump Campaign Promise, Billionaires’ Tax Loophole Survives Again
The tax treatment of so-called carried interest wouldn't change in the most-recent tax overhaul.
Instead of $2 Trillion Corporate Tax Cut, GOP Could Give Average American Families $17,000 Each
Sen. Elizabeth Warren scoffs at GOP's offer.
Dean Baker | The Tax Scam We Know and the Tax Scam We Don’t Know
Trump is appointing a crony tax avoider as temporary head of the Internal Revenue Service.
Ivanka Trump’s Child Tax Credit Is a Ploy to Pass Tax Cuts for the Rich
Ivanka is selling another “by Ivanka, for Ivanka” child care plan that won't work for millions of families.
While Trump Opens National Parks to Fossil Fuel Drilling, Fee Hikes Would Lock Out Vacationing Families
As Republican leadership slashes taxes for billionaires, price hikes at National Parks will hurt working Americans.
Trump’s Proposed Tax Overhaul Would Give Billions to Trump and Cabinet While Sparking Global “Tax War”
A look at how Trump's proposal would shower billions in tax cuts upon the wealthiest Americans.