GOP Wants Tax on Middle Class Instead of Rich for Infrastructure, Sanders Says
Republicans have proposed a massively watered-down infrastructure bill with regressive pay-fors based on user fees.
With Tax Dodgers Costing Us $7 Trillion, Ro Khanna Says “Audit the Ultra-Rich”
The richest 1 percent of U.S. households account for roughly 36 percent of all unpaid federal income tax.
Tax Dodgers Owe US Over $7 Trillion, Says Janet Yellen
Tax dodging by the top 1 percent of earners could be responsible for nearly $5 trillion of lost tax revenue.
Biden Says Rich Americans Should Pay “Fair Share” to Help Fund Free College
Biden has proposed making two years of community college free in his American Families Plan.
Biden Seeks Funds for IRS Crackdown on Corporate Tax Evaders
The crackdown is expected to raise at least $780 billion over the next decade, officials estimate.
Tax Resisters Divert Their Money From War to Human Welfare
It is because we consent and pay our taxes without much thought that half the money we pay the government is for war.
Biden’s Corporate Tax Increase Will Raise $2.5 Trillion Says Treasury Department
Biden’s plan lifts the corporate tax rate set by Trump, but it’s still less than what it was under Obama.
65 Percent of Americans Want to Raise Corporate Taxes to Pay for Infrastructure
The president has promised not to raise any taxes for individuals earning under $400,000 per year.
Biden and the Democrats Are Getting Serious About Raising Corporate Taxes
Democrats want to raise taxes on multinational corporations to help fund Biden's infrastructure plan.
Biden Eyes More Tax Hikes to Reduce Income Inequality in Infrastructure Bill
The White House's expanded proposal contains $1 trillion more in spending and over $2 trillion more in tax increases.