
The Latest You Need to Know on the Syrian Refugee Crisis
Here's a look at the major headlines that you need to know about how the world is meeting this humanitarian crisis.

Nowhere to Go: The Continuing Tragedy in Budapest
for travelers entering through Greece via land, Hungary is the first country with access to interior EU locations.

Time for a Parable

More Syrian Refugees: Good for National Security
Refugees can be crucial resources in tackling the extremist violence and authoritarian excess.

Diplomacy Advocates Should Challenge Clinton on Iran and Syria
Hillary's move to the right Wednesday on Iran creates an opening for pro-diplomacy Democrats.

German Lawmaker: At the Root of Refugee Crisis Are Wars Led by the US
The UN is now estimating at least 850,000 people are expected to cross the Mediterranean this year.

“Open Up, Europe!”: Former EU Adviser Urges Opening of Borders
Under a new proposal, quotas would be set for all 22 nations across Europe to take a total of 160,000 refugees.

How Neoconservatives Destabilized Europe
Will a debate even be allowed about the dangers of “regime change” prescriptions in the future?

DoD’s Inspector General Investigates Administration Propaganda Again
Intelligence officials were skewing the info on how (un)successful the campaign against ISIS has been.

Deliberate Targeting of Water Sources Worsens Misery for Millions of Syrians
The conflict in Syria has destroyed much of the country's water infrastructure, leaving five million people suffering from a critical water shortage.