Insider Attacks: Blowback From US Policy in Afghanistan and Beyond
Washington’s military policies since 9/11 have alienated tens of millions of Muslims across the Greater Middle East.
Middle East Alliances, Old and New: Confronting “That Part of the World”
It’s time that real debate about future US policy in the Middle East becomes part of our world.
Israel Continues Aggression Against Syria While Playing the Victim
US media have blacked out Israeli's active war mongering.
History Shows Hypocrisy of US Outrage Over Chemical Weapons in Syria
The US is culpable for thousands of deaths by Iraqi chemical weapons.
Rashid Khalidi: Ending the Proxy Wars in Syria Is Key to De-escalating Deadly Conflict
“American policy in Syria has been totally incoherent.”
Unlimited Worldwide War: ACLU Warns Senate Against Giving Trump Blank Check to Declare War
Trump did not seek congressional input or authorization for the Syria airstrikes.
Will Trump Set Off the Middle East Powder Keg?
There are conflicting motives behind the Trump administration's attack against Syrian targets.
Chelsea Manning on Trump’s “Mission Accomplished” Tweet: “I Believe I Have Heard Those Words Before”
Ramah Kudaimi, a Syrian American activist, and Chelsea Manning discuss.
Where Is the Democratic Outrage Over Trump’s Illegal Attack on Syria?
Jingoism is equally dangerous -- from the left or the right.
Global Leaders Condemn Trump’s “Scorn for International Law” As Haley Threatens More Possible Air Strikes
“You can't combat the alleged violation of international law by violating international law.”