
The Surveillance Blitz
Our privacy is getting hit from two sides - from corporations as well as the government.

When J. Edgar Hoover Lost and Freedom Won
The author of “The Burglary,” Betty Medsger, speaks with Truthout about how a small group of determined, otherwise law-abiding Americans brought down powerful FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The NSA Is Spying on Angry Birds, and More
According to dozens of previously undisclosed British intelligence documents, government spies may be exploiting popular apps to get their hands on our personal data, and more.

Intelligence Officials Make Direct Threats on Snowden’s Life
NSA whistleblower Kirk Wiebe and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern point to the brashness of intelligence officials who went on the record to threaten Snowden's life, reflecting a culture …

Obama’s NSA Speech Makes Orwellian Surveillance Patriotic
Michael Ratner: President Obama's assertion that our nation was formed as a result of a heroic history of surveillance is a misleading scare tactic.

Government Watchdog Group Declares Surveillance Programs Illegal Affirming Snowden Whistleblower Status
An independent bipartisan agency within the Executive Branch has issued a landmark 238-page report that concludes the bulk metadata telephony program conducted by the National Security Agency has provided …

Federal Oversight Board: NSA Program Ineffective and Illegal
NSA whistleblower Kirk Wiebe and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discuss the implications of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board's assessment, considering report commissioned by Congress.

Some States Have a Sneaky Plan to Stop the NSA
Six states have introduced bills that would impede NSA operations within their boundaries.

Statement on Presidential Remarks on Signal Intelligence Programs on 1/17/14
The President acknowledged the privacy concerns of people in other countries who are the subject of NSA surveillance and suggested he will consider curtailing wholesale international data collection.

Five Criticisms of Obama’s NSA Speech
If the speech was designed to quell fears, it hasn't entirely worked.