
“Collect It All”: Glenn Greenwald on NSA Bugging Tech Hardware, Economic Espionage and Spying on UN
Nearly a year after he first met Edward Snowden, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald continues to unveil new secrets about the National Security Agency and the surveillance state.

Truth be Told: Lessons from Lennon on Government Surveillance
It's interesting to imagine what John Lennon might have said about a world in which government agencies, and others, monitor private conversations. Not much of a stretch, really, as …

The Snowden Saga Begins: “I Have Been to the Darkest Corners of Government, and What They Fear Is Light“
Glenn Greenwald's new book, “No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the US Security State,” chronicles his last near-year swept away by the Snowden affair.

Surveillance Posing as Counter-Terrorism: Foreword to “The Rise of the American Corporate Security State”
This Foreword to Bea Edwards' “The Rise of the American Corporate Security State,” describes how peace, financial stability and civil liberties are threatened by the antidemocratic legal regime.

The Three Faces of Drone War: Speaking Truth From the Robotic Heavens
Some people who have been involved in drone assassination campaigns in distant parts of the world, using the fruits of the NSA's electronic surveillance, are hoping to draw attention …

Privacy Tools: Encrypt What You Can
Ever since Edward Snowden revealed the inner secrets of the NSA, he has been urging Americans to use encryption to protect themselves from rampant spying.

The NSA Comes Home: Police Departments Conceal Phone Tracking Equipment From Courts
Police departments across the nation are concealing their use of cellphone tracking equipment from local courts.

Big Data’s Big Image Problem
This week the White House completes its big data policy review. Improving public perception of “big data” requires more than another report: Organizations need to improve transparency, be more …

The DOJ Wants to Hack Your Webcam
A group of lawyers and academics recently prepared for a dramatic expansion of the rules for when law enforcement is allowed to hack people's computers.

They Are Watching You: The National Security State and the US-Mexican Border
With massive growth and robust financing, with ever increasing budgets and resources, US Customs and Border Protection is reshaping the country - and the world.