
The Latest Outrageous Example of the Pentagon, DEA and Private Companies Conspiring to Track Everything You Do
Guess what the malware software is really for?

US Government Clips NSA Wings, but Snooping Is a Global Effort
The USA Freedom Act only applies to US citizens, which means the NSA is still free to gather meta data on citizens of other nations.

Glenn Greenwald: Social Media, Privacy and Activism
Are services like Skype, Facebook or Google safe?

New Snowden Documents Reveal Secret Memos Expanding Spying
The Obama administration has stepped up the NSA's warrantless surveillance program on US soil.

A Victory for Privacy or Extension of Mass Surveillance? Co-Sponsor of USA FREEDOM Act Rejects Bill
President Obama signed into law a measure ending the mass phone surveillance program.

You Can Be Prosecuted for Clearing Your Browser History
Khairullozhori Matanov, a friend of the Boston bomber, is being sentenced under a law whose purview is growing disturbingly wide.

Glenn Greenwald: As Bulk NSA Spying Expires, Scare Tactics Can’t Stop “Sea Change” on Surveillance
We get reaction from Glenn Greenwald, who first reported on Snowden's revelations.

Senate Moves to Check Executive Spying Power
The Senate effectively allowed portions of the Patriot Act to expire. Who won and what comes next?

Why the Surveillance State Is Everybody’s Problem
There's been much controversy around the New York City Police Department's stop and frisk program, which unfairly ensnared tens of thousands of young minority men.

How the Second Circuit’s Decision Changes the Legislative Game
“I've attempted here to map out the decision's effect.”