Supreme Court
Senate Ignored Federal Court Employees Willing to Testify Against Kavanaugh
Ryan Grim discusses his latest article revealing a secret letter sent to Senators Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Grassley.
Group Behind Kavanaugh Nomination Has Spent Years Reshaping Judicial Benches
The Judicial Crisis Network has spent millions to support right-wing nominations to the Supreme Court.
Kavanaugh’s Oath
An oath that fits the standards the GOP has for Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Is About “Life and Death for Women”
Dahlia Lithwick, senior editor at, discusses more.
Facebook Censors Kavanaugh Story After a Conservative Site Calls It “Fake News”
Ian Millhiser, author of the censored article, discusses the incident.
Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, Willing to Testify Before Senate
Ford is willing to go through with testimony despite the violent and threatening reactions she has already received.
Confirmation Hearing Highlights
Is Kavanaugh's evasiveness his only qualification for a lifetime appointment?
Teens Testify to Show Senators the Human Cost of Kavanaugh’s Confirmation
Aalayah Eastmond shares her experience as a survivor of the Parkland shooting.
Like an Umpire
Kavanaugh says he's just going to call the balls and strikes. Sounds good, right?
The Spirit of Honesty
In which Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh speaks his truth.