Supreme Court
LGBTQ Activists Celebrate Victory in Supreme Court’s Anti-Discrimination Ruling
While celebrating the ruling, others noted that discrimination would remain an obstacle in the years ahead.
The Supreme Court Is About to Make Seismic Rulings on Reproductive Rights
If the Supreme Court upholds Trump regulations, up to 126,000 people could lose birth control coverage from employers.
Lindsey Graham Is Urging Older Judges to Quit So Trump Can Nominate Replacements
Graham and other Republicans are acting hypocritically, compared to how they handled Obama's nominations in 2016.
Republicans Accelerate Voter Suppression Efforts During Pandemic
A recent Supreme Court decision signals the GOP can do whatever it wants to make voting more difficult.
“Faithless Electors” SCOTUS Case Tests If Electoral College Members Can Go Rogue
The Supreme Court heard arguments on Wednesday in a case that could shape the outcome of future presidential elections.
My Birth Control Experience Is Why I’m Fighting to Ensure Access for Everyone
The first time I sought birth control, the provider lectured me based on stereotypes she had of my "culture.”
Don’t Expect to See Trump’s Tax Returns Before the Election
The cases will probably be sent back to the lower courts, leaving the matter unresolved until after the 2020 election.
Justice Thomas Said Forcing Trump to Release His Taxes Weakens the President
Justices expressed a desire to stay out of legislative matters while also worrying about unfettered access to records.
The Supreme Court Is Set to Decide If Donald Trump Is Above the Law
Our 45th president has never accepted our constitutional structure of checks and balances.
Republicans Say They’d Break Rule They Invented to Derail Obama’s SCOTUS Pick
The GOP obstructed Obama's SCOTUS nominee in 2016, but several said they'd consider a pick by Trump this election year.