Sudan Protesters Call for Civilian Rule After Military Kills Over 100 at Sit-In
At least 40 bodies were dredged up from the Nile River in the aftermath of the carnage.
“Sooner or Later, Dictators Fall,” Says Eyewitness to Sudan’s Uprising
Protesters remain committed to continuing the uprising until the old regime is completely transformed.
Trump-Supported Autocrats Meet Popular Grassroots Resistance
Eight years after the Arab Spring, there has been a new set of popular uprisings in northern Africa.
#MeToo Campaign for Sudanese Teen Highlights the Need to End Western Saviorism
The flash-in-the-pan activism of Noura’s case raises questions about #MeToo and women in the Global South.
A Guide to Resisting Muslim Ban 2.0
Don't be fooled. Challenge the normalization of bans on immigration and refugee resettlement.
The Trump Administration’s Covert Strategy for Ending Refugee Resettlement
The “cost assessment” called for in Trump's executive order could be used to quietly end US refugee resettlement.
Trump Challenges the Limits of Executive Power
In stopping Trump's unlawful Muslim ban, US courts were fulfilling their constitutional responsibility.
“It’s Like Torture”: As Legal Fight Continues, Families Are Split by Trump’s Muslim Ban
Many detained by the Muslim ban were also denied access to a lawyer and threatened if they tried to use their cell phones.
With Muslim Ban, Trump and Bannon Wanted Chaos, but Not Resistance
What the Trump White House had not counted on was the overwhelming resistance organized in opposition to this executive order on Saturday.
Refugee Chaos: Trump Has “Turned the Rules Upside Down“
Trump's order has shattered the plans of refugee families who have waited two decades to settle in the US.