Social Security
Small Steps on Pensions, but Not Nearly Enough
Many Americans have no retirement savings plan (other than Social Security). And the plans that they do have tend to be 401(k) plans that impose fees, market risk, and …
The Five Things We Want to Hear in President Obama’s State of the Union Speech
President Barack Obama will give his annual State of the Union address to the American people next week. But what is the state of our union?
The $17 Trillion Delusion: The Absurdity of Cutting Social Security to Reduce the Debt
Seventeen trillion dollars certainly sounds like a big, scary number, but we shouldn't be focusing on that number.
Social Security: The Social Contract’s Comeback Year?
The shifting debate about Social Security is one sign that the balance of power may be shifting.
Dean Baker | The End of the Assault on Social Security and Medicare
Dean Baker: Senator Elizabeth Warren's support for raising Social Security benefits could be exactly what we need to move the discussion of retirement income in a positive direction.
Congress Blew It – Again: The National Budget Should Reflect National Priorities
American democracy is designed to have representatives in Congress who take seriously their role as stewards of the people's business. A federal budget reflects Americans' priorities for how tax …
Fact Check: Social Security Does Not Increase the Deficit
Bought politicians and pundits continue to spread nonsense about America's best-loved program.
“Entitlements” and Our Dollar Democracy
How did it happen that billionaire farmers are entitled to their
Elizabeth Warren on Social Security: “It’s Values, Not Math”
Senator Elizabeth Warren comments on
CEOs Against Grandmas
The loudest calls for Social Security cuts are coming from CEOs who will never have to worry about their own retirement security.