Social Security
As Aging Population Increases, Elders and Allies Fight for Social Supports
Elders and advocates are mobilizing on several fronts for comprehensive social support reforms for aging Americans.
Blackstone’s Tony James Touting What Looks Like Clinton’s Scheme to Gut Social Security
Hillary and Blackstone CEO Tony James are too adept to label these required savings accounts as a stealth replacement for Social Security.
William Rivers Pitt | Debate #3: Our Long National Nightmare Is Far From Over
This debate served to demonstrate just how far to the right the political dialogue in this country has tacked.
The Old Debt and Entitlement Charade
Those organizing the debate want to see Social Security and Medicare cut, so they are framing the topic in a way that cuts to these programs will seem like …
How to Respect Your Elders: Supporting an Aging Migrant Generation
Our economy relies heavily on exploiting immigrant labor but our welfare state systematically excludes immigrants.
How Racism Has Shaped Welfare Policy in the US Since 1935
US welfare policies have, from their very inception, been discriminatory.
Donald Trump Attacks Social Security With False Claims
Donald Trump has released a new ad revealing that either he doesn't understand Social Security or he wants to galvanize opposition to it.
Revealed: AARP Is Funding ALEC
AARP isn't exactly hiding its new financial relationship with ALEC.
Defending a Sacred Trust: The High Stakes for the Future of US Social Security
Steven Hill explains why Social Security should be expanded — not trimmed or privatized.
Let’s Face It: “Capitalism With a Conscience” Is Still Capitalism
Trying to find investments in the financial industry that are truly “socially responsible” is a losing game.