The Ukraine: Not Too late for Cooperation, Not Confrontation.
Whether or not President Poroshenko makes an early visit to Moscow, his election could bring a resolution of the Ukraine crisis, provided he has the full backing of the …
The State Department’s Ukraine Fiasco
The State Department's handling of the Ukraine crisis may go down as a textbook diplomatic fiasco, doing nothing to advance genuine US interests while disrupting cooperation with Moscow and …
Premature US Victory-Dancing on Ukraine
Washington's role in the coup in Kiev on Feb. 22 has brought the US a Pyrrhic victory, with the West claiming control of Ukraine albeit with a shaky grip …
Presidential Elections in Ukraine Will Usher in Direct Rule of Oligarchs
Ukrainian sociologist Volodymyr Ishchenko says there will be little difference between a Poroshenko presidency and that of ousted president Yanukovich, and that the political rebellion in the Eastern regions …
CNN LIVE or LIES? Distorting Ukraine’s Crisis With Maps
CNN LIVE may not only be trying to remake the outside world of cartographic images, but also the inside world of its viewers, starting with perception and mental maps.
Would US Even Recognize a Revolution, Like Ukraine’s?
The American Revolution was not that revolutionary, neither was it democratic.
Beware the Drums of War: The Obama/Biden/Kerry Administration is Peddling a False Bill of Goods on Russia and Ukraine
President Obama's administration is peddling a false bill of goods on Ukraine.
The Russians are Coming
In Libya, in Syria, and elsewhere the United States has been on the same side as the al-Qaeda types. But not in Ukraine. Thatu2019s the good news.
The Birth of a Eurasian Century: Russia and China Do Pipelineistan
Keep your eye on Russia pivoting to Asia, China pivoting across the world, and Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa hard at work trying to bring about the …
Geosecurity 101: Washington and Moscow’s Military Bases in Latin America
The closure of a radar base in Antigua and Barbuda has largely gone unnoticed in Washington. Nevertheless, it could be a sign of things to come in the near …