Cities Across US Join Global Day of Action to Protest
Today, more than 29 cities across the U.S. are joining a Global Day of Action against toxic trade agreements.
Should First Graders Take a Test? Teachers Say No
New York Cityu2019s new teacher evaluation system uses childrenu2019s test scores as part of teachersu2019 u201cratings.u201d Those ratings will be released to parents and used to judge teachersu2019 competency.
As Walmart Workers Plan Record Black Friday Protests, Study Says Retail Giant Can Afford Higher Pay
As Black Friday approaches, Walmart workers and activists are planning another round of protests and strikes at the nation's largest employer on the biggest shopping day of the year.
Tilting at Gas Wells: What’s the Best Way to Defend Your Community From Fracking?
The most effective fracking bans may be the ones that make the fewest rights claims.
Branding the Revolution
Does the Russell Brand
School of Assassins Faces Protest, Congressional De-Funding
A massive rally against the notoriously corrupt US Army School of the Americas is taking place in Florida.
Thai Spring?
There seems to be overwhelming popular support to remove Thailand's Pheua Thai Party-led government, but no viable political organization to replace it.
A Call For a Crowdsourced Worldwide Wave of Action ~ #WWW
The decentralized movement toward freedom is raging across the world. It cannot be stopped.
“Chernobyl Was Transparent Compared to Fukushima”: Harvey Wasserman on Ongoing Crisis
Nuclear power expert Harvey Wasserman talks with GRITtv about the ongoing Fukushima catastrophe, the dearth of information there, irradiated tuna and the terrifying prospect of Tokyo Electric Power removing …
Four Chilean Student Leaders Make the Jump to Parliament
Four of the Chilean student leaders who upended their nationu2019s political agenda in 2011 with dozens of street protests on Sunday transformed their activist power and won congressional offices …