Making an Impact: Are You an Activist?
Who are the “real” activists? How do they make a difference?
Groups Warn TAFTA Threatens Important Safeguards
A wide range of consumer, family farm, environmental, Internet freedom, labor and other organizations held a press event outside the Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement negotiating summit.
Lyme Victims from Around US to Gather at IDSA Headquarters and Demand Changes to Guidelines for Lyme
Lyme disease victims from around the US will unite at the Infectious Diseases Society of America headquarters for the 2014 Mayday Project protest.
Peru’s Conga Mine Conflict: Cajamarca Won’t Capitulate
The fight over the Conga mining project is one of Peru's largest current social conflicts.
The Forgotten Mothers
The majority of women in prison are domestic violence survivors. Most women in prison are also mothers.
Cecily McMillan: The Latest Butterfly on the Wheel
Power will not hesitate to use your identity against you if it can. The police violence to which Cecily McMillan was subjected was explicitly gendered, and in this she …
Cecily McMillan Verdict Proves Dissent Is Dangerous
The conviction of Occupy Wall Street protestor Cecily McMillan for assault on a police officer shows that the judiciary is corrupt and dissent will not be tolerated.
Governments Crushing Their Own
In some developing countries, the police are being used to put down indigenous opposition to the alliance of state and corporate power over resource extraction.
Ukraine Government Says It Has “Lost Control” in Eastern Ukraine as Pro-Autonomy Upsurge Deepens
Greater regional autonomy may be the only way to keep what's left of “Ukraine” together.
The Serendipity of Social Media – Sevim Irmak’s Fight for Her Country
In which the author of “Affluenza” learns the power of social media to help him understand the world beyond his borders, specifically the strange case of neo-liberalizing and fundamentalizing …