Martial Law and the Criminalization of Thought in Thailand
Despite the repressive context, and ample evidence that the authorities will not hesitate to use both legal and extrajudicial strategies to halt dissent, courageous citizens continue to protest.
Student Protests Are a Bigger Deal Than You Think
Students who are alarmed to know they're not allowed to learn about civil dissent and protest have quite rationally chosen to protest.
Drone Protester Sentenced to Three Months
Anti-drone activist John “Jack” Gilroy, 79, was sentenced to three months incarceration, three years of probation.
Generation ’97 Drives Struggle for Identity and Fairness in Hong Kong
Completely unnoticed by pundits on recent protests is a major demographic shift in Hong Kong’s population, which is redefining the issues that motivate the younger generation.
What’s Driving Hong Kong’s Uprisings?
Hong Kong-based Attorney Robert Lee talks about the economic and political history at the center of ongoing protests.
Umbrella Revolution: Hong Kong’s Biggest Protests in Decades Challenge China on Political Freedom
Hong Kong is facing its biggest political unrest in decades as tens of thousands of protesters defy a police crackdown to demand greater freedom from China.
Young Climate Marchers: Support From Boomers Makes Us Feel Less Alone
When more than 300,000 people filled the streets of New York City for the People's Climate March on September 21, one thing became clear: This is an issue that …
New Yorkers Call Lyme Disease the New Plague
Celebrities like Howard Stern and Daryl Hall speak out, while Lyme patients crippled by the disease took to the streets in front of The New York Times, to call …
At New York March, Activists Work to Connect Capitalist Culprits to Climate Crisis
At the largest climate march in history, activists made a point to tie climate disruption to those seen as most responsible - major corporations and governments.
Protest Groups Call for Linking Arms on Wall Street to Stop the Destruction of the Ecosystem
Thousands of demonstrators are planning to disrupt business-as-usual on Wall Street and at the NY Stock Exchange, sending a message to Obama and world leaders meeting at the UN …