Support Strengthens to Stop Oil and Gas Development to Keep Florida’s Everglades Wild
Despite millions of dollars spent on conservation, the Everglades is threatened by pollution, invasive species, and more.
Powered by Pollution
California’s Investment in Global Warming Reduction Programs Score Well
The revenue generated from California's 2006 global warming law is making the air cleaner.
The Refugee Crisis Is Rooted in the West’s Policies
Western nations have sought to absolve themselves of the refugee crisis. But the problem is primarily their fault.
Chevron May Yet Have to Pay Billions for Its Ecuadorian Catastrophe
Ecuadorian and Canadian court rulings against Chevron for polluting the Amazon's waterways may hold the company accountable.
Climate Change Efforts by Developed Countries Hurt Africa’s Rural Poor
Land acquisition to establish forestry plantations for offsetting carbon pollution is hurting many.
After the Frack: Bright Lights in the Middle of Nowhere
Air, light and noise pollution linger long after the drilling is over.
Dahr Jamail | Environmentalists Sue EPA Over Dead Zone in Gulf of Mexico
A coalition of environmental groups is suing to force the EPA to mitigate pollution causing the Gulf of Mexico's dead zone.
Dahr Jamail | Sounds of War: Navy Warplanes Producing Deadly Noise Around US Bases
Residents near military air bases producing “lethal” levels of noise suffer from hearing loss, insomnia, stroke, heart attacks - even death.
Dumping Toxic Coal Ash Threatens the Great Lakes
Despite their necessity and beauty, the Great Lakes are threatened on a daily basis by heavy metals and toxic pollution.