Factory Farm Conditions Are Unhealthy for Animals and Bad for People, Too
An increase in life-threatening antibiotic resistance is one of many public health crises caused by factory farming.
The US Military Is Poisoning Okinawa
Okinawan authorities are failing to hold the U.S. military accountable for covering up PFAS contamination.
Fracked Gas Blowout in Louisiana Could Burn for Two More Months
The flare has gone out at times, resulting in fluid from the well spreading a mist into the sky over a mile away.
Trump Cuts Emissions Standards While Accusing Homeless People of “Polluting”
Trump argued, bizarrely, that homeless people are supposedly polluting the oceans by dropping needles into storm drains.
Iraqi Kids Test Positive for Depleted Uranium Remnants Near Former US Air Base
Iraqi doctors observed high rates of congenital disabilities in babies born after the U.S.-led invasion.
Shifting Blame Is a Favorite Habit of Polluters and This President
In the owl-infested forest we call the present, this is a special kind of hoot.
Leaked IPCC Report Warns of Calamitous Future for Oceans
Earth's oceans, glacial ice sheets and permafrost will unleash disaster unless we take action against climate change.
Candidates Should Visit the Country’s Most Polluted Areas, Activists Say
Few candidates have made a point of visiting environmental justice communities as part of their campaigns.
The Cheapest Way to Save the Planet Grows Like a Weed
The widespread cultivation of industrial hemp could be a cheap way to fight pollution.
Wetter Weather Worsens Risks From Coal Ash Ponds, Environmental Advocates Report
Coal ash ponds are unsafe to begin with, and extreme weather is making these sites increasingly dangerous.