Police Violence
Is Buffalo Baltimore?
Urban unrest is disruptive to the sacred free market that “the capitalist's tool” exists to serve.
Toronto’s 1992 Yonge Street Uprising: Afrikan Resistance to State/Police Violence
“By what standard of morality can the violence used by a slave to break his chains be considered the same as the violence of a slave master?”
Right-Wing Media Blames Everyone but Police for Baltimore Unrest
The right-wing response to stories of police violence is becoming predictable.
To Protect and to Sever
The Rise of Privatized Policing: How Crisis Capitalism Created Crisis Cops
With more private security guards than public police officers, what are the consequences for accountability?
On the Baltimore Uprising: Toward a New “Broken Windows” Theory
What change will a “peaceful” protest spark if a “peaceful” protest is so easy to ignore?
National Guard Deployed as Baltimore Erupts After Years of Police Violence, Economic Neglect
Baltimore public schools are closed, and a weeklong curfew is in effect.
Your Pregnancy May Subject You to Even More Law Enforcement Violence
For pregnant women, law enforcement violence isn't limited to physical brutality.
On Rekia Boyd, Freddie Gray and the Cost of Police Impunity
While the corporate media report on killings of Black civilians by police, they fail to cover the actual mechanics underpinning the cycle of violence.
Drug Reform Is About Animal Rights, Too
Police no-knock raids cause casualties, devastate families and often include the slaughter of household pets.