
Romney Pleases Political Donor on Israel
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is stopping in Israel to highlight his close ties to Prime Minister Netanyahu. But the visit also will showcase super Super-PAC donor Sheldon Adelson, …

Ties to Hezbollah Remain Murky in “Terror Plots” Targeting Israel
Following US news media coverage of the Burgas, Bulgaria bombing, one would conclude that the Hezbollah provenance of the attack can be determined from recent alleged Hezbollah terrorist plotting …

Arafat Came Offering Peace, Got Poison
If Yasser Arafat, former co-founder of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), died from a lethal radioactive substance known as polonium, not only was it a clear case of political …

A Primer on the Colonialism of Israel’s Settlers
Successful settler colonies displace or exterminate the indigenous sovereignty.

Turkish Court Indicts Senior Israeli Military Officials in Murders on Gaza Flotilla
On the Second Anniversary of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Turkish Court Indicts Senior Israeli Military Officials in Murders of Nine Passengers

Public Support for Israel
What does the public really think about aiding Israel?