Pressuring Israel, Presbyterian Church Divests From Firms Tied to Occupation of Palestinian Land
In what is being hailed as a major milestone for the global campaign to boycott and divest from Israel over its treatment of Palestinians, the Presbyterian Church voted to …
“Are You Now or Have You Ever Been a Signatory to a Boycott of Israel?” The BDS Movement and the Return of McCarthyism
State and private attempts to silence and isolate public supporters of the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions movement are eerily reminiscent of McCarthyist tactics to silence, destroy and intimidate political …
Presbyterian Divestment: Contesting Representations of “the Jewish Community“
While Presbyterians decide whether they will divest from companies involved in the Israeli government's occupation of Palestine, they must remember that many members of the Jewish community support divestment.
Anti-Apartheid Archbishop Tutu Calls Presbyterians to Back Divestment From Israeli Occupation
Desmond Tutu urged divestment from certain companies that contribute to the occupation of the Palestinian people.
Israel in Political Isolation Over New Palestinian Government
The United States' decision to “work with” the new Palestinian government has virtually isolated Israel.
Presbyterians Poised for Historic Vote Against Israel’s Occupation of Palestine
Presbyterians meeting in Detroit have a historic opportunity to help change the fundamental dynamics of the Israel-Palestine conflict by considering divestment.
Caring About Peace and Justice on Campus, and Beyond
To really work for peace and justice, we have to see both as under the stewardship of all of us, and that peace and justice are the entitlements of …
Pope Francis in Palestine
Pope Francis' seemingly impromptu prayer at Israel's Apartheid Wall hinted at a radical critique of Israel in an otherwise carefully orchestrated trip.
Netanyahu’s “Jewish State” Law Stirs Debate in Israel
Israeli academic Oren Yiftachel talks about ethnocracy, a term he coined that describes the sort of regime Israel practices.
For Palestinians, Hollow Symbols Betray Futility of an Imaginary State
On 29 November 2012, the United Nations voted to grant Palestine the status of ‘non-member observer’ state. The ‘upgrade’, the result of a three-year-long campaign, met with furious …