Laws Seek To Punish Use of Time-Honored Tool for Pushing Social Change
Academics are rightly concerned that bills seeking to punish academic organizations boycotting Israeli institutions will impose a political test on faculty members.
Jesse Jackson, 1984: A Transformative Campaign
As a result of Jackson's 1984 campaign, Arab Americans were provided a first-ever opportunity to organize and become established as a national constituency.
The Dangers of Stereotyping
Ignorance in the form of stereotyping people from other parts of the world can have unpredictable consequences, sometimes leading to mass suffering that a more enlightened view might have …
Ten Principles to Guide the Young Activist
They say people who live for a higher cause are happier than those who don't.
Scarlett Johansson, There’s a Line Between Israel and Palestine, and SodaStream Is Over the Line
Oxfam dumped actor Scarlett Johansson as its
Myths that Are Impediments to Peace
The real challenge for peacemakers is to reflect on the vision projected by President Obama in his Cairo and Jerusalem speeches — to recognize the equal humanity and rights …
Palestinians From Yarmouk Find Refuge, at a Cost, in Gaza
Forced out of Syria by civil war, Palestinian refugees have fled to Gaza, where they are welcomed but unable to enjoy basic economic and physical security.
Putting Peace in Double Jeopardy
US-Iran and Israel-Palestinian peace efforts are jeopardized by AIPAC-inspired senators or by Israel itself.
The New Neocons Are “Socialist” (They Say)
The “Socialist” government of French President Franu00e7ois Hollande is to the right of De Gaulle - and Barack Obama.
“Balanced” Reporting on BDS Masks Asymmetries of Power, Vituperation and Factual Grounding
There is no question that solutions to the problems of Israel and Palestine are complex. The problems, however, are clear and should not be difficult to diagnose.