Ohio Hospital Attempts to Divide Striking Unionized Workers
As strikers challenge conditions that endanger patients, the hospital is cutting jobs to create increased competition.
Hospital Workers in Toledo, Ohio, Strike for Safe Patient Care
Deteriorating working conditions are jeopardizing the quality of patient care, say striking hospital staff.
Is It Time to Take the Abortion Battle Hyperlocal?
Reproductive rights defenders in Ohio are fighting at the city level to protect access to abortion.
Trump’s Broken Promises to the Land of “American Carnage”
The loss of an Ohio General Motors plant is just the latest dispatch from the heartland of Trump's “American carnage.”
Plagued by Misconduct Claims, Will Columbus’s Vice Unit Be Held Accountable?
The Columbus Police Department is under FBI investigation for multiple abuses of power.
Ohio’s Republicans Are Gambling on the Supreme Court to Restrict Abortion Access
New bills are being advanced in the state in an effort to challenge “Roe v. Wade.”
Do Recent Primaries Mean Democrats Could Retake the Senate and House?
Voters headed to the polls Tuesday for a special election in Ohio, and primaries in Michigan and Missouri.
Rep. Jim Jordan Thinks Coaches Can Ignore “Locker Room Talk” About Abuse
It's time for the congressman to admit that he betrayed his athletes and step down, even if the GOP won't fire him.
Ohio’s Junk Mail Trick Led the Supreme Court to Approve Jim Crow Voter Purge
A team of attorneys has found a way to fight back against the racially biased practice.
Rejection of Gerrymandering in Ohio Suggests the US Wants Fairer Elections
In both red and blue states, steps are underway to limit how much districts can be drawn for partisan advantage.