We Can’t Let COVID-19 Drive Us Into Authoritarianism
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, will we collapse into authoritarianism or learn the lessons of this moment?
The End of Buttigieg’s Campaign Was a Warning Against Fake Progressivism
Mayor Pete’s efforts to thwart the growing movement for democratic socialism makes him a threat to systemic change.
Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies the Wrong Way Could End Up Hurting the Poor
Ending consumer subsidies would raise prices without lowering energy use enough to meaningfully reduce emissions.
Trump’s SOTU Speech Bristled With Fascist Politics
Authoritarian societies protect the powerful, not the poor or vulnerable, and Trump made that very clear.
The Bernie Blackout Is Real, and These Screenshots Prove It
The screenshots show how corporate media and the Democratic Party have done their best to create a Bernie blackout.
Is the New James Bond Film Just More Neoliberal Hype?
James Bond ultimately serves the interests of that small, real-life group of people he pretends to want to vanquish.
Naomi Klein: Climate Solutions That Neglect Inequality Are Doomed to Fail
We need to lower emissions in a way that also builds a fair economy, says author and activist Naomi Klein.
For Real Democracy, We Need Political Participation at All Levels of Public Life
If we want a radically democratic and ecological society, we need to abandon all bureaucratic and exploitative means.
COP25 Is Perpetuating a Culture of Impunity for Human Rights Violations
By ignoring the persecution of environmental defenders in Chile and elsewhere the UN is setting a dangerous precedent.
A Rising Movement Is Challenging Mexico’s Corporatized Unions
The 20/32 Movement promises to end the decades-long reign of corrupt union bosses.