
Monsanto and Big Food Losing the GMO and “Natural” Food Fight
With the passage of the Vermont GMO labeling law, after 20 years of struggle, it's time to celebrate our common victory.

Monsanto You Make My Stinger Itch
Monsanto believes that Life on Earth is only a practice run for their product, Life on Earth Two, showing soon at a theater all around you.

Organic Consumers Association Responds to FDA Push for Voluntary GMO Labeling and Safety Claims
The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) today called on the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to drop its plan to finalize guidance on the voluntary labeling of genetically modified …

Chile Derails “Monsanto Law” That Would Privatize Seeds
This month, rural women, indigenous communities, and farmers in Chile found themselves on the winning end of a long-fought battle against a bill that had come to be known …

How “Extreme Levels” of Monsanto’s Herbicide Roundup in Food Became the Industry Norm
Food and feed quality are crucial to human and animal health. Surprisingly, almost no data exist in the scientific literature on herbicide residues in GMO plants, even after nearly …

Sri Lanka Bans Monsanto Herbicide Citing Potential Link to Deadly Kidney Disease
Sri Lanka this week ordered a ban on glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's top-selling herbicide Roundup.

Why We Need Labels on Food From Factory Farms
If we don't implement labeling laws and bans sooner rather than later, we may run out of time to preserve organic and non-GMO farmers and their fields.

Five New Reasons Monsanto’s “Science” Doesn’t Add Up
How long can Monsanto ignore the mounting actual scientific evidence that their technology is not only failing to live up to its promises, it's putting public health at risk?

Food Fights, Corporate Trade Agreements, and States’ Rights: Democracy or Corporatocracy?
Perhaps the largest and most dynamic grassroots movement in North America today is the anti-genetic engineering, Millions Against Monsanto food movement.

Argentine Activists Win First Round Against Monsanto Plant
Residents of a town in Argentina have won the first victory in their fight against biotech giant Monsanto, but they are still at battle stations, aware that winning the …