Minimum Wage
Lawsuit Could Force For-Profit Detention Centers to Pay Detainees Minimum Wage
People in CoreCivic's detention centers are paid $1 a day for their labor. CoreCivic is paid $95 a day to detain them.
Time for a Raise for New York Car Wash Workers
The state legislature could end the subminimum tipped wage for carwashers.
Raising the Minimum Wage Must Be a Central Issue in 2020 Election
Democrats running for office in 2020 have an opportunity to do what's morally right and politically popular.
Workers With Disabilities Are Making Cents Per Hour — and It’s Legal
Under a 1938 labor law, people with disabilities are paying the economic price while major corporations get rich.
Connecticut Workers Fought for a $15 Minimum Wage — and Won
Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont has just signed legislation raising the state's minimum wage to $15.
Minimum Wage Would Be $33 If It Had Kept Pace With Wall Street Bonuses
While financial sector workers enjoy a bonus bonanza, low-wage workers haven't gotten a raise in nearly a decade.
Most Restaurant Workers Don’t Earn Enough to Feed Their Own Families
Workers dependent on tips have to rely on food stamps and soup kitchens to survive despite working full time.
13 States Still Have Laws Meant to Limit Poor Families’ Sizes
Massachusetts just repealed its cap on aid for children born to welfare recipients, but such laws persist elsewhere.
States Are Trying to Stop Cities From Raising Minimum Wage
GOP-controlled legislatures have been wresting control over wages and benefits from local governments.
Will New Mexico’s Historic Labor Win Spark Change in Other States?
The exclusion of domestic and care workers from labor laws is racist and sexist and must end, say advocates.