Minimum Wage
Nearly 20,000 Domestic Workers Are About to Get Fair Wages. How’d They Do That?
Left out by traditional unions, women-led domestic workers are winning fights for minimum wage and overtime across the country.
Minimum Wage Workers Can’t Afford to Live Anywhere in the US
If the government can acknowledge that Americans cannot afford to pay rent anymore, then it's time for some intervention to alleviate this problem.
The Women Who Are Taking on Walmart
Simply put, what Walmart does matters.
French Coalition Launches Call to Limit CEO Salaries to 100 Times the Minimum Wage
A group of 40 well-known personalities in France have called for a cap on the amounts CEOs can receive.
Empire of Lies: How the US Continues to Deceive the World About Puerto Rico
Members of Congress are trying to lower Puerto Rico's minimum wage — and say they're “stabilizing” the island's economy.
California’s $15-an-Hour Win
Alex Schmaus explains the background to the recent $15 minimum wage victory in California.
Immigrant Women Lead Efforts to Transform Conditions for Domestic Workers in Illinois
Nannies, house cleaners and caregivers in Illinois are calling for legislation that could help improve their work conditions.
Is $15 an Hour Enough for Workers to Support Their Families?
Questions on if businesses can afford to pay their workers more aside, is that pay even enough?
Highlights of Luntz Poll of US CEOs Show Broad Support for Progressive Policies
Top CEOs have empathy. Low healthcare costs for employees is at the forefront.
It’s Been 25 Years Since Restaurant Workers Got a Raise
April 1 marked the 25th year the federal tipped minimum wage has been frozen at an abysmal $2.13 per hour.