Minimum Wage
Here’s Who’s Turning Wage Fights Into Grassroots Power at the Ballot Box
Community groups to flex their electoral muscle with a groundswell of support for minimum wage ballot initiatives.
Reagan Sold Your Future, Trump Will Too
White working-class voters should think twice before electing another flag-waving, immigrant-bashing, billionaire-enriching politician.
Justice for Janitors: The Fight for 15 Shutdown in Minneapolis-Saint Paul
Kimco janitors, students and teachers took the streets during the back-to-school season when Kohl's makes 15 percent of its $673 million in annual profits.
Labor’s Stockholm Syndrome: Why Unions Must Stop Backing Anti-Labor Candidates in the Primaries
Alternative strategies to labor's current custom of backing anti-worker Democrats are both necessary and viable.
Big Headlines for a Tiny Wage Hike
Modern banks like JPMorgan Chase don't address inequality. They create it.
Dining Out? Here’s Some Food for Thought
Big chain restaurants pay poverty wages, hurt local economies and pollute our climate.
Economic Update: Psychology, Economics and Orlando
This episode discusses minimum wage raises, and more.
An Increase in the Minimum Wage Strengthens the Economy for All
The critical element in the success of the Fight for $15 has been workers stepping into the streets and the public limelight.
Baltimore May Be the Next City to Adopt a $15 Minimum Wage
The City Council's Labor Committee met last week to begin the process of moving legislation to a vote, hearing testimony from supporters and opponents.
How the $15 Minimum Wage Became a Reality in Seattle
The following excerpt from “The Fight for $15” details the beginning of the successful $15 minimum wage movement in Seattle.