Minimum Wage

Economic Update: Capitalism’s Leaders
This week's episode discusses the Senate's dueling health bills, minimum wage cuts and more.

Republicans in Several States Are Lowering the Minimum Wage
With the political world focused on the health care battle, Republicans in at least four states seek to cut wages.

“From Laughable to Inevitable”: $15 Minimum Wage Hits Congress
Responding to grassroots labor movement, Democratic lawmakers show that they are ready to join the pro-worker fight.

It’s Time for the Left to Ask “What Are We For?”
The political center is bombed out, so everyone has to take a hard left to transform democracy, says Maria Poblet.

When State Governments Constrain Municipalities’ Powers, the South’s Vulnerable Communities Suffer
Rifts between liberal-leaning blue cities and largely conservative red states widen across the South.

How to Generate Job Growth: Robert Pollin on Alternatives to Trump’s Smoke-and-Mirrors Economic Plan
Trump's economic plan is a smokescreen behind which he and his super-rich friends can further enrich themselves.

Republican Legislators Push for Cities to Be Treated as “Tenants of the State“
Right-wing corporate interests are pushing state legislatures to curtail the progressive power of city governments.

When Raising the Minimum Wage Is a Bad Thing
We cannot accept short-term gains if they mean concessions that undermine our ability to organize over the long haul.

Chicago’s Lax Enforcement of Minimum Wage Hike Leaves Workers in the Lurch
As the minimum wage rises, some cities have created departments to enforce the new labor laws. Chicago has not.

A Lame-Duck Assault on Our Rights in Ohio
Republicans used the lame-duck session to force laws against reproductive rights, higher minimum wages, and solidarity with Palestine.