Minimum Wage
DC Council Wants to Repeal Voter-Backed Minimum Wage Initiative
A fair wage for restaurant workers is apparently something the DC Council doesn’t approve of.
Vermont Nurses on Strike Demanding Hospital Put Patients Over Profits
At the center of the strike are issues related to safe staffing, competitive pay and a $15 minimum wage.
Teen Voices in the Fight to Raise the Minimum Wage in Massachusetts
This organization mobilizes youth organizers to advocate for themselves in the minimum wage fight.
Trump Administration Proposal to Let Bosses Keep Workers’ Tips Provokes Investigation
Trump officials reportedly deep-sixed an internal analysis of the proposed reform.
Who Owns Tips? If Trump’s Department of Labor Gets Its Way, Employers, Not Workers
Transfer of money from workers up to their bosses is no small change.
Government Study Confirms $7.25 Minimum Wage Is Poverty Trap for Millions of Americans
The $7.25 federal minimum is pushing people into poverty.
If You’ve Never Lived in Poverty, Stop Telling Poor People What They Should Do
A minimum wage job cannot support a family.
From Fighting for $15 to Blocking Right-to-Work Laws, Striking Missouri Workers Are Challenging the GOP
The Fight for $15 has a new objective in battleground states like Missouri: oust the politicians propagating anti-union laws.
Beyond the Minimum Wage Debate: Let’s Move Toward a System That Works for All
We need an economic system that works for all of us, not just the wealthy.
Fed Up With Washington, DC? Look to Washington State
In the face of gridlock at the federal level, Seattle is leading the way towards a more just economy.