Henry A. Giroux | Hardened Cultures and the War on Youth
This interview was conducted at the McMaster Centre for Scholarship in the Public Interest's 2013 “War on Youth” Summer Institute, Summer 2013.
The Forgotten War: 12 Years in Afghanistan Down the Memory Hole
Will the US still be meddling in Afghanistan 30 years from now? If history is any guide, the answer is yes.
Paraguay’s Militarized Democracy
There are grave concerns and several questions about the newly acquired presidential powers that remain unanswered.
Emerging Party in 2014 Election in India Led by Militant “Orator“
India's upcoming elections are widely expected to be a game changer for the world's largest democracy. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by the charismatic but
Uniting to Win: A Review of Chris Crass’ “Toward Collective Liberation“
A new book specifically targets white males to recognize their privilege and help eliminate it.
Is Broad Opposition to War on Syria an Opportunity to End American Empire Responsibly?
Are we witnessing the beginning of a transformation of US foreign policy? With groundswell public opposition to a war with Syria, Flowers and Zeese see such signs and recommend …
In the War on Drugs, Crime and Terror, We Are All Now Potential SWAT Team Targets
Truthout talks with Radley Balko about how the friendly police officer walking the streets has evolved into the warrior cop.
The New Global Capitalism and the War on Immigrants
The larger story behind immigration reform is the worldwide reorganization of the system for supplying labor to the global economy.
When the Police Become a Standing Army, Liberty is Sacrificed Without Security
A shift to militaristic and arguably unconstitutional policing would have shocked the conscience of America's founders, according to Radley Balko in his book
From Hiroshima to Syria, the Enemy Whose Name We Dare Not Speak
US militarism strips humanity from the study of nations and congeals it with jargon that serves western power designs.