ACA’s Bungled Rollout Aside, Government Health Insurance Works
We need expanded and improved Medicare-for-All. And we need to vote any politician who won't advance us toward that goal out of office.
The Reality of the Affordable Care Act
While Republicans were throwing their silly tantrum, Obamacare became a fact. There is no turning back.
Obamacare: It’s Better Than You Think
While there are many problems with the upcoming changes implemented by the ACA, it is a truly progressive step forward for dealing with healthcare in the US.
Obama Negotiates Cuts to Medicare as the Program Reaches Its 48th Anniversary
Last week marked the 48th anniversary of the enactment of Medicare.
Southern Leaders Opt to Exclude 2.7 Million From Health Care
In the Deep South and Florida, Republican governors and state legislatures have turned down the funding to expand Medicaid coverage.
ObamaCare’s Relentless Creation of Second-Class Citizens (Part II)
ObamaCare uses a complex and intricate Rube Goldberg-esque system of eligibility rules.
Celebrate the Defeat of the Granny Bashers!
Dean Baker: Medicare and Social Security are safe from austerity hawks - for now. Time to raise a toast, then switch from defense to offense.
Walmart Workers Need a Raise and a Voice
Walmart continues to punish workers who fight their mistreatment, which costs taxpayers and the economy.
Social Security and Medicare Reports Little Changed From 2012
The projected shortfall in Medicare has fallen by almost 70 percent since 2008.
Medicare Drug Program Fails to Monitor Prescribers, Putting Seniors and Disabled at Risk
ProPublica investigates a government program which subsidizes danegerous drugs for the elderly.