Trumping the Federal Debt Without Playing the Default Card
How can the US remain strong with very little debt, without defaulting on Social Security, Medicare or the federal debt itself?
The State(s) of the Affordable Care Act
In some states, only extremely poor parents and children are eligible for Medicaid, leaving large numbers of people who unable to access health care.
Medicare at 50: Strengths to Build On
Traditional Medicare turns 50 on July 30, having had many challenges and achievements from the days of its passage to today.
William Rivers Pitt | Killing a Nation With Euphemisms: TPP-Eats-Medicare Edition
“Like it or not, the fast-track trade agreement authority bill will sail through the Senate this week.”
Trans-Pacific Partnership-Related Bill Contains a Medicare Poison Pill
The Medicare cuts in the trade adjustment assistance bill set a dangerous precedent, allowing Congress to treat Medicare like its own personal piggy bank.
Now Is the Time for the Progressive Movement to Win
Salvatore Babones discusses 16 ideas for furthering the progressive agenda in the US.
Why the Private Health Insurance Industry Has to Go
The private health insurance industry in the U.S. has had a long run since shifting to medical underwriting and a for-profit status in the early 1960s.
Privatization of Medicare: Urgency of the Latest Threat
This is a dangerous time for Medicare.
Repeal SGR, but Don’t Privatize Medicare
A Trojan horse for Medicare privatization.
Aging US Population Requires Major Changes in Social Policy
As the US population ages, a new generation of caregivers will be necessary to preserve the dignity of people aged 65 and older.