Medicare For All

The Hole in the Safety Net Widens: Trump’s Plan to Dismantle Obamacare
Can progressives use backlash against Trump's regressive health policies to accelerate the fight for Medicare for All?

Even After Trump Is Gone, Fallout From Democratic Primaries May Haunt Single-Payer Efforts
Leaked emails show how mainstream Democrats undermined the discussion of single-payer health care in the primaries.

Would Single-Payer National Health Insurance Break the Bank?
We have to face some inconvenient facts about our health care system, six years after enactment of the Affordable Care Act.

The TPP and the Dire Threat to Affordable Drug Prices
Drug prices in the US are already approaching a crisis point for many patients unable to afford their prices, often despite being insured.

Why Hillary Clinton and Obamacare Will Not Solve the Health Care Crisis
While it has done a lot of good, the Affordable Care Act is not a long-term solution to the US health care crisis.

Hillary Clinton Declares War on Single-Payer Health Care
Hillary Clinton's attacks on Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All plan could do long-term damage to the movement for universal health care.

Happy 50th Birthday, Medicare! Next Steps in the Fight for Universal Health Care
We still need a single-payer health program. We have to go beyond the Affordable Care Act.

An Effective Prescription for Our Failing Health-Care System
A new book examines the ACA and shows why more fundamental reform is imperative.

Medicare for All
With government already providing health care for a third of the population, why not make it Medicare for all? This should be a battle cry for progressives, says sociologist …

Obamacare: The Biggest Insurance Scam in History
Health care is a human right, and it is at the center of the conflict of our times, the battle between the people and corporate interests.