Medicare For All
Amid Grassroots Push, Medicare for All Winning Big in Democratic Primaries
In red and blue states alike, candidates backing Medicare for All have emerged victorious.
How to Build a Single-Payer Health System: Lessons From Taiwan’s Turnaround
Single-payer is possible in the United States.
Single-Payer: A Reproductive Justice Value
Everyone deserves access to adequate health care.
Bernie Sanders Goes to Canada for Health Care Inspiration
Sanders went on a hospital tour of Canada.
Medicare for All: A Win-Win Issue for Candidates in the 2018 Midterms
Health care could transform the makeup of Congress in 2018.
Public Option vs. Medicare for All: The Coming Debate Over Health Care Justice
Only single-payer insures 100 percent of the population.
The Defeat of Graham-Cassidy: How to Kill a Zombie
Only Medicare for All will rid us of Trumpcare for good.
As GOP Attacks Health Care, Movement for Single-Payer Grows Across Country
Activists are fighting at the state level.
Even Business Leaders Are Realizing Health Insurance Companies Serve No Purpose
Single-payer is moving from pipe dream to possibility.
Sanders’s Bill Electrifies Growing Single-Payer Movement
Public pressure will be key to overcoming industry resistance.