Medicare For All
The Election Was Step One. Now It’s Time to Take On the Capitalist Class.
Only a mass multiracial working class movement can stop Trump.
Meet the Health Care Industry’s Favorite Democrats
If Democrats are going to control the House, the health care industry wants to control these Democrats.
Why a National Health System Is Needed to Slow the Opioid Crisis
A system that views health care as a commodity and patients as consumers will never overcome the crisis.
Trump’s Attack on Medicare for All Has Industry Fingerprints All Over It
It’s no surprise that the health insurance industry went right to the White House.
With Primaries Over, Advocates Fight to Keep Single-Payer in Spotlight
Keeping the fight for health care as a human right front and center in the general election is an uphill battle.
The Doctors Want In: Democratic Docs Talk Health Care on the Campaign Trail
Doctors can be effective messengers, especially in their communities.
Corporate Democrats Prepare Midterm Battle Against Socialist Candidates
The New Democrat Coalition is working to preserve neoliberalism and prevent a pivot toward social democracy.
New Poll Shows 70 Percent of Americans Support Medicare for All
Democratic leaders are being told they ignore the push for Medicare for All at their own peril.
Jake Tapper Admits CNN “Fact Check” on Medicare for All Was Not Factual
Jake Tapper's erroneous video has already reached a wide audience and needs a full correction issued.
Why the Latest Attack on Single-Payer Backfired
While the moral argument for universal health care is paramount, the economic one is vital to winning the reform.