
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Doctors Agree About the Medicinal Benefits of Pot, and More
In today's On the News segments: Democratic Senator Frank Lautenberg passed away; Walmart is raking in tons of corporate welfare; the Republican Party admits it is failing to connect …

Another Government Is Necessary: The People Can Rule Better Than the Elites
On Earth Day, a new alternative government, the Green Shadow Cabinet, was announced. Its over 80 members are leaders in their fields, from medicine to art to activism, and …

As Colorado Celebrates Pot Holiday, Marijuana Tourism Divides State
In Denver, local promoters tried to showcase Colorado as a state that welcomes pot-smoking tourists.

Hemp Is Harmless, a Potential Economic Miracle, and Still Illegal in America, but the Tide Seems to Be Turning
Powerful politicians across the country are pushing to bring hemp back.

Is America Ready to Legalize Marijuana?
Advocates in Congress say a shift from criminal enforcement to taxation could add $100 billion to the federal budget.

Predator Drones Stalk US Borders Without Budget or Strategy
High-tech solutions to low-tech border crossings yield few results.

Why Has Obama Pardoned So Few Prisoners?
To date, Obama has pardoned less than two dozen and commuted even fewer sentences.

Past US Example Could Stem Marijuana Arrests and Border Violence
States loosen marijuana laws but the federal government's continued prohibition means a boom in marijuana smuggling, drug-war violence and mass criminalization. Is it time to change direction?

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Revolving Door Claims Another Willing Public Official Turned Lobbyist, and More
In today's On the News segment: Hundreds of people gathered underneath Seattle's Space Needle to fire up joints to commemorate their state's new marijuana legalization law going into effect.

December 6: Historic Day as Washington Marijuana Legalization Law Takes Effect, Possession of Marijuana Becomes Legal in Washington State
On Election Day last month, 55 percent of voters in both Washington State and Colorado voted to make marijuana legal, ushering in a new era for drug policy in …