How Noncompete Clauses Clash With US Labor Laws
Nearly one in five employed Americans is bound by a contract restricting moves to rival companies.
William Rivers Pitt | If I Had a Hammer…
Unions represent and fight for what the United States should be, and more importantly, serve as a vital bulwark against the atrocities of this country's early labor history.
The Difference Self-Organizing Makes: The Creative Resistance of Domestic Workers
Informal networks of mutual care have given rise to a workers-led alliance in Lebanon.
Sweatshop Lobbyist Nominated for Deputy Secretary of Labor
The labor force deserves someone who is far more committed to them.
Arpaio’s Pardon and the Rise of Militarized Police: The View From Phoenix
It was a war zone initiated by the Phoenix Police Department.
Alicia Garza: On Historical Amnesia and Fighting White Supremacy
An interview with Alicia Garza about white supremacy and concrete actions that people can take to move forward and organize.
“Indigenous Navigator” Offers New Way to Monitor Indigenous Rights Worldwide
Monitoring Indigenous Peoples' rights around the world just got easier, thanks to a new tool called the Indigenous Navigator.
In Pursuit of Decent Work
Why do states make it so easy for corporations to exploit their populations?
The Philippine Labor Movement Is Beginning to Turn Against Authoritarian Rule
Dissent is brewing among some allies on the left.
Big Pharma Can Be Beaten: This Union Proved It
Nevada's Culinary Workers Union took on Big Pharma and won.