Plunge in Restaurant Jobs Due to COVID Leads to First Job Loss Since April
The pain from the recession is heavily concentrated among the long-term unemployed.
2020’s Legislative Attacks on Gig Workers Will Change Labor Forever
The passage of Proposition 22 in California may serve as a catalyst for a new kind of labor organizing across the U.S.
2020 Saw Resurgence of Strikes as a Key Tactic for Labor Around the World
While this year catalyzed a historic strike wave, it also exposed the labor movement’s internal divisions.
Columbia University Students Are Preparing to Launch a Tuition Strike
Students at the most expensive U.S. university were inspired by the successful action at the University of Chicago.
After Uber and Lyft’s Prop 22 Win, Big Tech Could Push Wave of Anti-Worker Laws
Uber, Lyft, and other companies that rely on gig workers spent more than $200 million to promote Prop 22.
Graduate Student Labor Organizing Is Rising — and So Is Retaliation
Students at the University of California, Santa Cruz, are protesting the suspension of a wildcat strike organizer.
Hundreds of Nursing Home Workers Are on Strike
The workers are demanding higher wages, hazard pay and better staffing.
Senators Warren and Baldwin Say Rehab Work Camps May Violate Federal Law
These unpaid workers often work side by side with paid employees, under grueling conditions.
Tyson Exploits Consumers Just Like Its Animals and the Workers Who Raise Them
Vulnerable workers, abused animals and a rigged system are the foundation of an unethical, destructive business model.
To Push Biden Left, We Must Build Movements to Challenge His Corporate Backers
Social movements are most powerful when they threaten profits, as the victories of the 1930s and 1960s demonstrate.