Business Lobby Created “Labor Shortage” Myth That GOP Used to Slash Benefits
Republican governors weaponized a weak jobs report to cut unemployment aid, the result of a year-long strategy.
California Trial of Universal Basic Income Inspires More Cities to Follow Suit
More and more municipalities are showing interest in reimagining how to ensure economic stability for their residents.
The Economic Recovery Is Mostly Benefiting White Families
Black and Latino workers were more likely to lose their jobs during the pandemic -- and less likely to qualify for aid.
Honoring Mothers Must Include Environmental Justice and Raising Wages
Now is the time to raise wages, ensure vaccine equity and lift from the bottom so that all of society can rise.
We Can’t Just Tell People to “Go Back to Work.” We Have to Improve Workplaces.
After this past year, people want work to be more than a dreary ordeal of basic survival at an unsustainable wage.
Striking Alabama Miners Push Back on Contract Settlement
The contract offers certain concessions, but does not address the central demands workers say they require.
Median Worker Makes $3,250 Less Per Year Than in 1979 Due to Decline in Unions
Unionization has declined by nearly half since the 1980s as corporations have become bolder in union-busting efforts.
Amazon Illegally Fired Activist Employees, Labor Board Finds
The employees were outspoken about the company’s climate impacts and poor labor conditions during the pandemic.
Economy Adds 916,000 Jobs in March, But Long-Term Unemployment Remains High
The strong productivity growth from last year seems to be continuing.
Minimum Wage Would Be $44 If It Grew as Much as Wall Street Bonuses Since 1985
Since 1985, the average Wall Street bonus has increased 1,217 percent.