
Supreme Court Likely to Endorse Obama’s War on Whistleblowers
The Supreme Court building in Washington, December 19, 2011. (Photo: Philip Scott Andrews/The New York Times) Totalitarian systems disempower an unsuspecting population by gradually making legal what …

The Precarious Jobs Recovery
February’s 227,000 net new jobs – the third month in a row of job gains well in excess of 200,000 – is good news for President Obama and …

A Field of Hawks
Washington - Unless Ron Paul somehow wins the nomination, it looks as if a vote for the Republican presidential candidate this fall will be a vote for war with …

In the US, Futile Hopes for Another Presidential Contender
Political pundits have speculated about the possibility of another presidential candidate entering the November race. (Damon Winter / The New York Times) I haven’t written …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Keystone XL Shot Down Again, and More
Thom Hartmann here – on the news… You need to know this. Rejected! Democrats in the Senate yesterday beat back an attempt by Republicans to have the Keystone XL …

“Public Media” Joins “Gang Greens” in Colluding With Frackers
NPR's serenades to the "natural"(1) gas industry are getting more and more blatant. Let's pick apart some of these egregious transgressions from journalistic integrity. National Petroleum, er, National Public …

Forced Ultrasound, “Informed Consent,” and Women’s Health in Texas: The Sad State of the State
Last month, when news spread that Virginia legislators were considering a forced trans-vaginal ultrasound bill, the uproar was loud, clear and immediate: women would never stand for this invasive …

Playing the Game in Afghanistan: Dead Americans, Dead Goats, and Half a Million Gunmen on the Loose
Recent weeks have brought yet another sad chance to watch badly laid plans in Afghanistan go haywire. In three separate incidents, allies, most from the Afghan National Army …

The Republican Implosion Myth: How Republicans Are Winning
Fidel Castro dubbed this year’s Republican primary as the “greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance the world has ever seen.” We as a nation gave him that line by …

Raising Revenue From High-Income Households: Should States Continue to Place the Lowest Tax Rates on Those With the Highest Incomes?
State and local tax systems are regressive: they tax low-income households at higher rates than high-income households. This issue has come to light as some states, looking for ways …