
The Price If Health Care Is Overturned
Washington - In arguments before the Supreme Court this week, the Obama administration might have done just enough to keep the Affordable Care Act from being ruled unconstitutional. Those …

Can You Predict an Outcome From Supreme Court Justices’ Questions?
Supreme Court justices can hide their intentions in plain sight, even with something as complicated as health care. The judicial utterances during this week's lengthy oral arguments left a …

Industry Whistleblower Wendell Potter: However Court Rules on Healthcare, Solution is Single Payer
As the Supreme Court examines whether Americans can be penalized if they lack medical coverage, we're joined by health industry whistleblower, Wendell Potter. A former spokesperson for CIGNA and …

Three Killings
The note left next to the bloodied body of Shaima Alawadi read “go back to your country, you terrorist.” Alawadi, who died on Saturday after being taken off life …

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How Mitt Romney Wielded Power as Massachusetts’ Governor
Boston - In 2006, 12 tons of concrete dropped from the roof of a tunnel on a major Massachusetts artery, killing a woman and terrifying drivers. Gov. Mitt Romney …

GOP National Labor Board Relations Member Passed Sensitive Information to Romney Campaign
Earlier this month, Congressman George Miller (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the House Education and Workforce Committee, complained that House GOP members were blocking the release of a National Labor …

Fired for a Short Skirt? The Realities of Anti-Worker Laws in Wisconsin and Ohio
Last year's labor protests across the Midwest rattled the country. They shook Republican politicians who thought they'd have an easy time erasing union workers' rights. They spurred thousands of …

“You Can’t Take Away My Hope”: Thirty Years of Climate Scientists Helplessly Describing Our Dangerously Changing World
In a new video by Peter Sinclair, prominent climate scientist Michael MacCracken discusses how the last thirty years have confirmed the predictions he and others made in 1982 and earlier. …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Anti-Muslim Hate Crime in California, and More
In today's On the News segment: “Obamacare” goes before the Supreme Court, Wall Street doubles down on GOP donations, “Shoot First Law” in Florida under scrutiny, climate change is …