Joe Biden
Biden’s Support of Iraq War Shows How He Would Run the White House
Biden's vote to invade Iraq was no “mistake,” but an indication of his contempt for international law.
Trump Threatens to Expose Information About Alexander Vindman “Real Soon”
Trump makes a cryptic threat about the Ukraine-born Army officer whose testimony has paved the road to impeachment.
Biden Has Defended US Allies’ Use of Lethal Force Against Civilians
What human rights groups condemn as war crimes, Biden calls “legitimate self-defense.”
With Biden Floundering, Democratic Establishment Considers Clinton and Kerry
The Democratic establishment’s faith in Joe Biden is being sorely tested.
Biden Accuses Sanders and Warren of “Playing Trump’s Game” With Medicare for All
Biden said his two top rivals have been “trying to con the American people” by supporting single-payer health care.
2020 Democrats Are Burning Cash Faster Than They Can Raise It
Some top-tier candidates remain strong in fundraising. Others struggle to garner enough support to stay in the game.
Leading 2020 Democrats Have Plans to Get Rid of Money in Politics
The three Democratic front-runners each say they want to seriously reform the campaign finance system.
Democrats Spar About “Endless War.” Will Any of Them End It?
In order to end this war era, the U.S. has to admit it was wrong.
Critics Use Bernie Sanders’s Heart Attack to Smear Medicare for All
Opponents of single-payer argue that Sanders “would be dead” under his proposed health plan.
Taxing Financial Transactions Is More Strategic Than Taxing High Wealth
If we rely overwhelmingly on taxing a small group of super-rich people, they could simply renounce their citizenship.