The President, Chattanooga, Amazon and Job Creation
Why is President Obama using Amazon to tout his ideas for job creation?
A Winning Agenda That Meets Women’s Economic Needs
A new survey reveals that female voters believe Democrats were better on the economy than Republicans.
Will Portugal Be Austerity’s Next “Catastrophic Success”
Austerity measures in Portugal have put the country at risk for collapse.
The High Road to 21st Century Economic Success
On the high road to the future, we would use government institutions to put people to work in support of the common good.
The Expendables: How the Temps Who Power Corporate Giants Are Getting Crushed
Across America, temporary work has become a mainstay of the economy.
Companies Creating American Jobs? “We’ve Seen This Dance Before“
Companies say they are being patriotic and responsible by bringing jobs and manufacturing back to the US. Is it true?
Economy Adds 175,000 Jobs in May, Unemployment at 7.6 Percent
Weak productivity growth has supported the job growth of the last two years.
Senators Brown, Sessions, Schumer, Graham, Stabenow, Burr, Collins and Casey Introduce New China Currency Bill
Eight senators have introduced the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Act.
When It Comes to Business Profits, It’s the Plutonomy versus the Realonomy — and the Plutonomy is Winning
As average citizens suffer, big corporations around the world watch their sales go continue to rise.
Jobs and Justice: Raising the Floor on Workers Rights and Wages in Haiti
Beverly Bell takes a look at the economics behind third world sweatshops to propose how alternative pathways can be found.